sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2005


Lembra que comentei sobre uma entrevista foderosa com Mr. Moore (o Alan, não o Michael)? Então, ela foi republicada na Engine Comics, no começo deste ano (já tinha saído serializada em outra revista em 2002), e tomei conhecimento da bicha através de um e-mail enviado pelo arauto-mor do barbudão em terras tupiniquins, o José Carlos Neves, que, para quem ainda não sabe (difícil, muito difícil), mantém o ótimo site ALAN MOORE, SENHOR DO CAOS.

Nela, o cara desnuda um pouco mais seu processo criativo, algo que muito me interessa,.

Dois trechos bateram forte na cachola. O primeiro foi a frase que escolhi pra ser o título desse post. O segundo tá aí embaixo:

Writing will consume your life, because so much of writing happens in your head – you don't need to be ‘at work', you don't even need to be awake. You're not gonna get a respite from writing when your head hits the pillow, you're not gonna get a respite from writing when you go on a holiday caravan to Great Yarmouth, or anywhere – the moon – you can't get away from it, it's in your head. And if it's working properly, it's probably obsessive. If you've got a story on the boil, and if you're a writer you probably will have, you're probably thinking about problems with that story, good things about it that you wanna enhance and make even better, and you're probably thinking that all the time. You might be thinking that when you're having sex. You might be thinking that when you're eating dinner, you might be thinking that on public transport. This is something that will take over your life. Surrender. Surrender to it right from word one. Don't fight. It's bigger then you are, it's more important than you are, just do what it says. Even if that seems to be completely ruining your life, do what it says. Even if it tells you to do something stupid – if it tells you to jump off a cliff, do it. (laughter).

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